And it Comes Down to Some Mormons Getting Their Way

There are some Mormons who use the dark arts – I have no doubt of that. Male Mormons of course.

There is a huge network of Mormons who will do just about anything to help other Mormons. Imagine if you had access to people in just about any occupation. Think of the hell you could cause your enemy.

Then there are Mormons who feel like it is their duty to protect the church or to help fellow members. They gangstalk. No questions asked. None. The perfect set up. You see. They are trained from day one to do what they are told.

Then there are Mormons who have had it with the gangstalking. They have started asking questions.

perfect way for V to use me and get rid of me. Except, it’s been 7 years.

No Matter What, Does the Mormon Male Get Pass

I was just wondering today if the Mormon male who used black magic on me was supposed to just leave without me being even the wiser. If so, what happened? Couldn’t just leave me be, so decided to push me towards suicide. Wow, you see how successful that has been 7 1/2 years later. Right?

Guess there is no oversight committee- oh – Mormon male. You can go on no matter what suffering you cause.

I hope this is causing discomfort among Mormons in general. I am just very disillusioned. I never though that I would even say, “ All Mormon males”. “Many, few, some……”

What, do I know too much about your sacred gangstalking? Sacred. Oh no. There have been articles on gangstalking for at least 7 years. Sacred? How many of you told a devout Catholic friend who told another friend. I know the difference between rosary beads and other beads, between stickers with the Virgin Mary and those about Mom or Grandma, or Dad.

Broken ankle, diarrhea, boils, scalding water, lost income, 10 1/2 months of depression with anxiety. Scenarios painted by black magic. Lost income.

These Mormon males get to use their black magic to take part of my life. No one stands up to them. What about self determination? My self determination.

Hell and Heaven

I am not Mormon, so I don’t know exactly what Mormons are taught about Heaven and Hell. I could not understand how people who call themselves followers of God could possibly commit such cruel, vile, and illegal acts against anyone – me.

I am a person who tries to not think that all persons from one group think, act, vote, or do anything exactly the same. I try to use phrases such as: some far left Democrats, a few far right Republicans, Muslim or Christian extremists. I have been a bit unnerved that I have had to come to the conclusion that there is a fairly large percentage of Mormons who have been born into, enticed into, or threatened into a very large and threatening sect of Devil Worshippers or Santanists.

First, like some other religious groups, the Mormon Church teaches its followers that the Mormon faith is the only true faith; followers are to believe that any person, from any other religious background, will absolutely not go to Heaven unless they are Mormon. Period.

Secondly, over many decades, more and more Mormons are taught at every possible moment with all possible means that Mormons are better than non Mormons. It was not until I reached that level of awareness that I could fully comprehend how thousands of people could act with such callousness towards others.

Thirdly, the Mormon Church expects that its members will do almost anything for the one and only church – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If you find this hard to believe think: Mormon Church members commit a lot of their time to the Church; family is central to a Mormon person’s life and a great amount of social time is spent with family, church members, and Mormon friends. So, there is an extreme amount of social and familial pressure to “do” for the good of the church.

Male Mormons who wish to “stalk” a female as part of their Devil follower gang rights, select female victims from the non Mormon females. When he is done using her, he has the support of all types of Mormons. Mormons who follow church rules and regulations, will support him unquestionably. Mormons who also are Devil worshippers, will support this predator because he is one of their own. Part of the invisible “contract” that comes with being a Devil worshipper is the undying support of fellow worshippers.

What some of the Satanists do not realize is that Hell is eternal. There is Satan and he will use anything and anyone in his power to collect as many souls as he can. I don’t know exactly what hell is, but it is meant to be a place of misery and torture. If you have been told anything else you have been grossly misinformed.

The Mormon Church – All is Not What it Seems

After seven years of my having gaslighting, accidents, and illnesses happen, I finally feel like I have a pretty good idea of what is going on. The following does not apply to all members of the Mormon Church, but it does apply to a fair amount of them and their families.

These members of the church, willingly, unwillingly, or unwittingly have become Devil Worshippers. For some, this role and designation was handed to them at birth – one or both parents are Devil Worshippers. For some, in order to have more control, and to increase numbers of members, they used blackmail, or threaten a person or a friend or loved one of that person.

Persons who unwillingly become members of these worshippers might have: joined because of peer pressure from their family; have been threatened or blackmailed into gang stalking, or gaslighting someone they know – maybe a target that the group wants to control or silence. (No one of course will acknowledge this for fear of reprisal – being gang stalked or targeted themselves, their secret being told,)

I have had years to figure out that the vast majority of the people gang stalking me are members of the Mormon Church. Even after learning that my stalkers were mostly Mormon, I was angry that people who portrayed themselves as being good, were acting in such an evil way. It now makes sense.

If you look up cults, and compare the criteria given, the Mormon Church meets most of the criteria given. The one criteria that did not fit the Church was “crossing biblical boundaries of behavior (versus sexual purity and personal ownership).” It has been extremely difficult to find out that many members in this cult do cross the line when it comes to sexual behaviors.

The Gang and Their Secret Weapons – Warning for Women Who Are Not Mormon, Regarding Mormon Men

Well, this makes me feel ill. I don’t believe the secret weapons possessed by men were meant to be use the way the current Mormons are using them. So, how could they be? Mormon males from days past did not do this, but a sacred gift has been distorted and being used for what might have become a horrid male tradition. – sick, illegal, male tradition. I say males from days past did not do this, … I can’t really know any of this can I? You need to draw your own conclusions.

Unfortunately, the Mormon Church is actually set up so that a gang can exist. A very large gang. The church is set up on a strict hierarchy. People are not supposed to question. They are expected to follow direction from the level above them or designated persons. The Mormon Church is a cult. It’s the perfect place for normally unacceptable activities to take place.

Gangs use peer pressure, the pressure of the group and threats to keep members in. I can’t know this for sure, but I believe that one generation of the gang trains some of the next generation how to use a secret weapon. Before the younger male knows what has happened, he is a willing or unwilling participant in the gang. He can never back out. Never.

There are some psychopaths in the group. In this case, men who have no empathy for anyone. They do not care who they hurt. Then, there are those of the next generation who are taught to act like psychopaths, predators.

All males are taught to see women as inferior. Whenever one group has dominance over another, I believe it sets the stage for abuse. So women are inferior and women outside the church are expendable. They are the main targets of the Mormon males.

The men have no regard for the women they target. As soon as a woman is selected, she is doomed to experience gangstalking, and more. She is doomed to be dogged, hurt, scared until she thinks she is crazy. The ultimate goal of gangstalking is suicide. The men use the other members of the church to get rid of the females that they have targeted. They help each other. They pool funds to purchase anything needed for their horrid missions. The mission is manslaughter by the way. Look up a recent court case or see my earlier post.

Things to Watch Out for if You Think That You Have Been Selected to be a Mormon Male’s Target

Unfortunately, because you have been painted as some sort of predator, Mormons in general are willing to gangstalk and gaslight. Mormons can probably be found holding jobs in every field of employment. In my county, there are 200,000 plus Mormons. Add in students in the local colleges and you have even more. There are locksmiths, cashiers, teachers, postal workers, doctors, lawyers, counselors, bankers, etc. Every field.

Based on what I have observed in my case:

  • If you have strong feelings on your part towards a Mormon male -Too strong – Unusual for you. Curb them even if it takes extra energy. Yes, there is a way the Mormon male has to have you become attracted to him when he is in your vicinity.
  • This person acting somewhat attracted to you.
  • Seeing this person periodically. This is done to keep you interested in this person. I can’t be sure the M.O. is the same in every case, but I think my stalker needed to have my attention. He also wanted to be able to show fellow Mormons that I was “interested” in him – even though there were a LOT of times when I felt really neutral about him. Especially when I had not seen him in a while.
  • Events happen that seem to keep you closer to where this person works, or. you would have more time to do things around where this person works. Example – Not being selected for a particular job.
  • Persons who are important in your life start acting different towards you. Think – rumors being spread, threats made towards people to get them to treat you differently. This can even be fairly close relatives.
  • Your spouse begins to act differently. Almost like he is sabotaging your marriage. In my case, my spouse was told that I was going to divorce him to be with my stalker
  • Remember – the idea here is to break apart everything in a target’s life.
  • Fender benders. More than normal
  • Things you put in a shopping cart are missing, turn up left in your cart, when you are sure you took it out, etc.
  • Stronger than normal feelings including: anger, sadness, anxiety, raised libido, etc. Find ways to counter those feelings. I sing Raindrops on Roses, calm myself down, etc. Watch out for suicidal thoughts. Guilt is not a useful feeling once you’ve acknowledged what you did. Was it really your fault? Or, were you helped along with the secret weapon
  • Street theater – this can be people acting in order to divert your attention to take something even from a purse.
  • Things taken from one place and put in another. No, you are not crazy. Crazy is seeing things, but not having objects you can see clearly moved to another location. Crazy can be temporary. It usually is. Crazy is hearing things – and there is no explanation for it – tape recorder, recording made by cell phone.
  • Hearing disjointed music or percussion instruments. Disjointed means beats playing at different speeds. This could be tied in with a fan. The electrical power needed to play this recording needs to be gotten somewhere. Hit some breakers and see if it is tied into one of them.
  • Car locks being locked or unlocked without you locking or unlocking them. The technology to make “copies” of alarm fobs has been around for years.
  • Feeling slightly dizzy, fairly tired, , lethargic. It feels almost like you have been given a drug
  • Unexplained diarrhea. It could be lactose. Try taking a lactaid type product when you eat or drink anything. Use Imodium, but follow the directions on the package.
  • A salt taste in your water. If it tastes like table salt, counter with other products that contain a good amount of water. If it is not table salt, it could be lithium. Look up lithium.
  • A light that flickers like a Halloween light. Easy for someone to install.

Recap of My Gangstalking

Let me get this straight. There are those gangstalkers that are horrible people. Then there are gangstalkers that are good people. The horrible people gangstalkers have been able to keep under the radar as far as how horrible they are – for the most part.

I believe that my gangstalkers have been told that gangstalking is something they have to do for their organization. It is their duty. They probably have asked if what they are doing is against the law and have been told, “No”. If someone points out that gangstalking is against the law, that viewpoint is totally negated and the stalkers are then told that it’s for the church, the church isn’t wrong, it’s God’s will, or there are many of us and we all do our part. The answer would be something like that. I think. I don’t know for sure.

So, i was accused 22 years ago of stalking someone. Some from your group “tested” me out and found out that I was okay. It turns out that V has a secret weapon that he had stay by my side ever since V saw me. Believe me, I wish that I had never met V. He is vile, but passes himself off as totally the opposite. There is a very small percent of the population that are like that – vile AND can act very personable. V has stalked me for 22 years, but he has done it in a strange way. He finds out from the friend/secret weapon where I am going and V gets there first. This is his obsession. A trait of people like him can be that he is easily bored. The frenetic pace he must have had to stick to, to keep up with my travels and errands, while still having to do some things independently must have been crazy, but it kept him busy.

V was able to see anything that went on in my house. Anything with the help of his secret weapon. The one the men get to have. I think. I don’t know. It makes me sick. V told my ex something completely untrue so that my ex started pushing me away by the things he did. My ex did not deserve this. But you see, one of the objectives of gangstalking is to totally destroy the target’s life. V was obsessed with me. He didn’t like me, but having my ex despise me fit in well with V’s needs and plans.

Read the next post to see what has happened during the last 7 plus years.

NEW – Helpless, the Weapon, Justice and Injustice

I meant to also say that there are a lot of good members of the group who are powerless to fight these men or to even express concern. The special gang is too powerful. There is a lot to be said about your religion. However, somewhere along the way, some horrid people latched on – they manage to get into every group. They have grown and become powerful.

The weapon. I never wanted to write this blog. I definitely did not want to bring up this secret weapon. However, it has been made clear that I have nothing to lose. There is not a group out there fighting these men in the special group. Okay, the secret weapon with me came from V, 22 years ago, and has been with me ever since. I didn’t know until recently that it existed.

This sounds totally crazy unless you are a man who knows. This “weapon” can see what I can see and can see around me and then V can see it. How? I have no idea. It can see other things in my house. The salt in my water, diarrhea, dizziness, making “accidents” happen all come from it. V can get information from it. Then V was able to get to places before me. Again, when planning our yearly trek to Tahoe, 10 families were involved in selecting the week. It would have been a miracle for us to have picked the same week as V.

Maybe think back on what someone tried to tell you shortly before she committed suicide. Little things: moved, taken. Maybe accidents or illnesses – asthma, boils. I don’t think I am supposed to know any of this. I wish I didn’t. But, maybe for all of the good people to eventually get unsavory people out from your midsts it’s time all of you know. For justice.

One of my motivators right now is that it could see everything in my house – everything. I had no idea.

I have always been a law and order type of person. I would have been the one to give the mayor a parking ticket. I am no longer at that extreme (but he or she should get the ticket, but won’t). However, justice is so important to me and injustice is to be avoided as much as possible. Injustice on purpose by anyone should be dealt with swiftly.

It occurred to me that the moment V’s secret weapon was unleashed on me, my fate was sealed. At some point in the future, V would unleash gangstalkers on me. Not a question of if, but when.

To not be able to do anything about it is unimaginable. It’s 2019 in the United States of America, but I can’t have justice. It’s 2019 in the United States of America, and a group of criminals protected by their larger group gets away with: being voyeurs (which essentially is like watching pornography in this case), being stalkers, stealing, and more.

Right now, nothing can be done. They have found the perfect way to commit their crimes and get away with it. Good people are intimidated by these horrid men (watching so the person doesn’t know is a crime. Similar to putting hidden cameras places).

I just want justice. To not have justice is intolerable, but I don’t have a choice. Injustice prevails. But, I made a pledge to God, Christ, and myself. I am not going to break my promise.

Lithium Poisoning is Murder

I am writing this without being prepared but I don’t have time for this right now.

I had a tiny glass of water and the last of it was loaded with salt. It tastes different than table salt. I realized that it tastes like my lithium pills (which I try never to taste). Lithium is a salt but is different. I have to have my lithium levels checked at least every three months. The level needs to be in the therapeutic range, but not too high. It is dangerous to have high lithium levels. It can be deadly.

I would hope that murder, at least wouldn’t be allowed. One of our ex favorite people is committing murder. The women just won’t believe, the men know that all I have said is extremely possible.

The Game is Afoot (Sherlock Holmes) and Revelations

Ah. Not brave enough to show up in person, the secret weapons carry out the dirty work.

Well, I am up at last. They fooled me again. That is what most of this is about.

Every few days, I realize something new. Last night I was stunned to realize that many of you do know about these nefarious men among you. They are feared because of what they can do and what they threaten they can do.

This morning I realized that the “game” with the blue cars had no purpose anymore except to control my actions. Well. I am not playing anymore. I won’t park right next to a blue Subaru SUV, or stay behind one for longer than I have to (if one pulls in, in front of me). I will go where I want to go.

I never thought this would happen, but I can drive with gangstalkers around and not be bothered. I might play my own games: direct the gangstalkers, count the one light cars, etc. However, I just drive along with them for the most part.

I keep getting fooled into thinking V and the special gang will kill. Nope. That is not the objective. I guess they can live with that. Well, according to the court in the U.S., this is attempted manslaughter. As far as I am concerned, it is attempted murder.

Has your group consulted with attorneys regarding the laws I have mentioned. Oh – STALKING is/has been committed by most of you. That it can never be proven should not matter. At least it should not matter to your moral and religious compass. Joseph Smith based his works on the Bible. The Bible includes the New Testament. Jesus Christ is part of the name. The New Testament is the foundation of Christianity: being forgiven for your sins, forgiving others their sins. Then, there is the Golden Rule.

The nefarious gang might still assault me. I don’t know. You know what many men prize most of all right? So, there is the ultimate punishment against women. It’s about control, and power. Well, at age 64 and with all things considered, that would be such a stupid move. I will go to the police and I will ask for all tests possible. Oh, there wouldn’t be evidence against any one person, but there WILL be evidence of an assault. Yes, foolishly or not, I can be matter of fact about this – most of the time. They hold a whole community hostage. V tried to control my life for 22 years. Tried. I have had a great life so far. Of course my safety is paramount, but if I don’t have a choice, I will do what I can to prove – at least on this blog – just how incredibly perverted they have become.

I Saw THE Car, So I Couldn’t Stop at Kaiser – NEW News Regarding My Sleep!

Ah. I realized that the angry, special group might be thinking in terms of a murder that looks like a suicide. Maybe they were counting on my picking up my pills. I hope some of you are completely repulsed by this. Strong feelings can make the difference between action and inaction. Between going along like a lamb or at least thinking about what you are hearing.

So, yesterday I went to Kaiser and only one of my inhalers was ready. I had put in for another inhaler and a relaxant. Those two weren’t ready, so I decided not to get any and wait until I got the other two texts.

I received the two texts this morning. I decided that, if I were over that way, I would pick up all three prescriptions. I started up one aisle, and actually backed out. I left. I didn’t want to be falsely accused of stalking V. That is his specialty.

In 2007, after going through chemo and instant menopause, I developed debilitating insomnia. Insomnia triggered a debilitating depression. So, I have had to take sleep medications ever since. Well, up until a few months ago. I now only take a pill for anxiety before bed as needed – and I only needed it about 4 times the last month. Strange, but as we age, we just don’t know what will change. To make a long story short, last time I got these pills I dumped them in the toilet. I feel awful dumping them there, but I don’t want anyone to have access to them.

Now is the time to truly realize what you are helping with. If you can’t read this, then you shouldn’t be gangstalking. I believe that a small group of the special gang (the most sick) will force a liquid version of the sedative down me. It’s better for them because there is less chance of bruising the inside of my throat. Forcing a whole lot of pills down someone’s throat can be very obvious during an autopsy.

Well, I read a murder mystery book a while back. In it the victim had been killed this way. During the autopsy, the pathologist noted that there were no pill fragments. You know, the little pieces of pills that haven’t dissolved yet. You would have to have those.

Well, I don’t have any now, and I will have only 5 pills or so by the time I leave Kaiser. That is what I did last month. Coincidences like this keep happening to me. I read about that fictional autopsy and figured that I had better let “people” know.